Choosing Gift Certificate Designs

There are many different Gift Certificate designs from which to choose. By default, we select a group of "most popular" designs that will show on your initial IGC purchase page, but you have the option to show the ones you like and hide the ones you don’t - easily.

We also keep you apprised of new designs we add throughout the year on our blog - make sure you stay up to date on new designs AND other ideas for growing your brand: Gift Certificate Designs on our Blog

  • Log into your SpaBoom account and click on the "Setup" tab along the top.
  • Click on the “GC Designs” link in the left hand column.
    • Always know you can click "Preview" in the lower left to see your current GCs
    • Click "Update Designs" anytime to restore the IGCs you see in SpaBoom Defaults

In any of the categories, you can view the individual GC designs. If you decide any particular design doesn't fit the mood of your business, you have the option of hiding it. This will keep it from appearing on your IGC page. Simply click "hide" for any IGC you'd rather not show in each category. (Keep in mind that IGCs labeled as "most popular" are the ones that will appear on your initial IGC purchase page)

  • Click on "hide" to suppress any GC.
    • Click on "Show Hidden designs" at the top of the page to reveal all designs available (there are dozens to choose from!), and click "show" for those you'd like to bring back.
  • Click on "make popular" to promote a GC to your initial page (we recommend SIX in total - it fits the best for all web browsers, and still allows up to four additional designs to show during holidays.)
    • Click on "Remove From Popular" for any design to un-feature it on your main IGC page.

Custom GC Designs are Supported

Another popular feature of SpaBoom is to add your own GC designs, which gives you greater control on how the designs look. For example, you can have a larger logo in your own GC designs. Be careful, though, because your own GC designs should meet the requirements of SpaBoom to look great. More

SpaBoom Can Create Custom GC Designs For You!

Want your own custom GC designs, but don't have the time or want the hassle of doing it yourself? For a small fee, SpaBoom can create your own custom designs. Contact us for pricing and more information.